Edwin Chadwick Part 1

Depending on who you are, and what your interests are then you may already know of Edwin Chadwick. However I would, if I were a betting person, bet a decent amount of money that the average person in 2023 has no idea who he was and what he did to benefit modern society. I must... Continue Reading →

Death At Disney

If you follow me on social media, you’ll know I recently spent a few days at Disneyland Paris for Halloween. This is something I have dreamed of for many years, and that my dear friend LT made possible by her supreme organisation skills. All I had to do was turn up with my bag and... Continue Reading →

Wandering Thoughts

Note-written Friday 23rd September, have since left Liverpool! Every year it seems that the season changes, the children go back to school and I start to become very busy. I don't just become busy, but I also start to get the need to travel and wander. I'm writing this from a hotel room in the... Continue Reading →

Well, Hello.

This blog post is my first for longer than I care to think for a number of reasons. Some I can discuss and others I will not. I know I am a very open person, so at least I can be honest in saying that there are some things I cannot and will not write... Continue Reading →

And Then I Woke Up

In recent times, my dreams have been intense. I don’t always remember them, but I often wake up with a feeling like I’ve already lived an active day and confused about starting another. The confusion is born from a strange misalignment of whatever was happening in my dream against what I am facing in the... Continue Reading →

Spring Check In

Best laid plans are always easily ruined aren’t they, at least that what the last two years has felt like. It used to be that something certain would happen, but now it feels like anything can change and especially last minute. In relation to that, I can’t remember how many times I’ve promised, or not... Continue Reading →

The Pressure

Note: this was written in the last few weeks and out together through various conversations with friends about this mutual but distinctly different feeling we all have. I have written from my own experience mainly and, I’m sad to say, a lot of this now feels insignificant compared to what has happened in the world... Continue Reading →


Sonder is a word for our own realisation that everyone around is is living their own lives. Not just that, but that they have lives as complex as the one we live and that we have absolutely no awareness of its complexity only that it must exist. Sometimes, on the bus home from work, I... Continue Reading →

Tell Me Your Pronouns

This has been one of the harder blog posts to write, and therefore a big reason for my recent lack of posts which many of you have noticed. I’m finding it hard for several things that I am struggling to express or get my head around, but also I feel the absolute need to do... Continue Reading →

New Year Greetings

Just a short one from me today while I still try to recover from having COVID-19 for at least the second, if not a third time. I suspect it is three but I won’t be answering any questions regarding this. Let me just say that yes I’ve had all my vaccines, yes I’ve suffered with... Continue Reading →

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