Where Have I Been?

I haven’t posted at all for around 3 months. This has been for a number of reasons but mainly because my life was completely taken up by a series of stressful things that meant it couldn’t think of what to write. It sounds remarkably silly to even try to explain but my brain needs to... Continue Reading →

Inside. Again.

There’s something hugely ironic about having a great birthday, watching Bo Burnham’s Inside and thinking ‘Well I’m glad we’re nearly done with all that’ and then receiving a notification that I have to isolate for seven days. It may seem out of character to do a weekly update on a Tuesday but that’s because my... Continue Reading →

Grief & How To Get Help

I often mention at Death Cafes, when I open and discuss that the events are not specifically for bereavement support, that if people are seeking this then I can signpost them in the direction of some great resources and charities which exist to support people in these times. The truth is, you don’t have to... Continue Reading →

The Heat Is On

As I type this I have a semi-awful state of sunburn going on which is making me feel incredibly crunchy. Like a true British person, I cannot help but discuss the weather we have experienced recently because we've hit one of those extremes which we all talk about. It's hot. Maybe not as hot as... Continue Reading →

Unsettling Things Part III

For this final part of the series, I’d like to have a look at some of the weirder things that happen at the mortuary which people might find unsavoury or a little unsettling in some ways. By that I mean things you might not expect or things you definitely wouldn’t expect. The big first one... Continue Reading →

What is ‘Normal’?

I've been asking myself that a lot this week, especially as a lot of people have been asking if things are normal again at work. I am massively overthinking it, but what even is normal in the case of a mortuary where any day can be unpredictable and vary in so many ways. Obviously I... Continue Reading →

Unsettling Things Part III

You may have noticed that I did not give a weekly update last week, that was because it would have been really quite dull and not much happened because I was on annual leave. I guess I could have written about the many books I managed to read and the lovely naps I had but... Continue Reading →

Unsettling Things Part II

I knew when I started this series that I could find enough unsettling things for at least two parts, but it would seem that I think I can keep this running for a few more weeks with everyone’s suggestions! Here’s my second little list of things that may or may not be unsettling about my... Continue Reading →

Whatever Will Be

On Saturday it was supposed to be my second wedding date. Well, third depending on how you look at it. We had a registry office ceremony in August 2020 with an original plan of a big festival style party the weekend immediately after. That party was rescheduled for Saturday just gone, and now might happen... Continue Reading →

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